While there aren’t any specific grants for felons in Ohio, most government grant programs are open to felons.
These grants are allocated to those experiencing financial hardship and are targeted toward paying for basic needs like housing, food, utility bills, and medical care.
Grants For Felons In Ohio Who Need Help Paying Rent & Bills
Felons on a low income may qualify for financial assistance programs that provide a one-time grant payment or ongoing monthly support.
HUD Rental Assistance
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds rent assistance programs for low-income households.
Eligible households get help paying their rent each month via the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) administered by local public housing authorities (PHAs)
The amount you get depends on the size of your household and income level. Because of the demand for these grants, most housing authorities operate waiting lists so you won’t get financial support right away.
Don’t let the waiting list deter you. The sooner you apply, the sooner you’ll get money to help pay your rent.
More information: https://www.hud.gov/states/ohio/renting
You may qualify for an Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) if you’re homeless. Call 2-1-1 to find an agency with access to EHVs in your area.
Read Also: Felon Friendly Housing in Ohio
Emergency Rental Assistance
Emergency rental assistance grants in Ohio can cover up to 12 months of rent arrears and prevent eviction. Contact your county program to find out if you’re eligible.
More information: https://cohhio.org/
Salvation Army Ohio Grants for Individuals
Salvation Army grants help pay for rent and utility bills. The amounts available and grant eligibility criteria will depend on the programs offered by your local SA.
More information: https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/rent-mortgage-and-utility-assistance/
Ohio Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Ohio HEAP provides a grant that helps low-income households pay for winter energy costs.
The payment is automatically applied to your energy bill. Applications open in July each year and run to the following May.
The maximum payment you can receive is $737.
Applications made through Catholic Charities or the Salvation Army tend to result in faster payments.
For more information:
Contact your local Community Action Agency – https://oacaa.org/find-an-agency/
Call the Ohio HEAP toll-free number at 1-800-282-0880.
Lifeline Phone & Internet Grants
Lifeline is a government-funded grant program that provides free mobile phone service (with 4.5 GB data) to eligible households in Ohio.
You’ll need to meet the income guidelines or receive government benefits to qualify. Eligible government benefits include SNAP, Section 8 Housing Assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid.
More information: https://www.lifewireless.com/plans/ohio-lifeline-free-phone-service
Free Grants in Ohio for individuals To Help Pay For Food & Expenses
Felons are eligible to apply for SNAP and TANF benefits. Both programs provide a monthly grant you can use to pay for essentials.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) is available to low-income individuals and families.
Each month your EBT card is loaded with funds you can spend at the grocery store.
Eligibility depends on your income, assets, and household size.
In 2024 the net (after tax) monthly income limit for a 1-person household is $1,215. For a 3-person household, the income limit is $2,072.
The maximum you’ll receive each month also depends on your household size. A 1-person household can receive a monthly grant of $291. A 3-person household can receive up to $766 each month.
More information: https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/recipient/eligibility
Snap calculator: https://www.snapscreener.com/screener/ohio
TANF is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. This program provides a monthly cash grant to families with children under the age of 18 and to pregnant women. TANF assistance is limited to 36 months in Ohio.
TANF can be used for rent, mortgage, or utility bills; for purchasing food and household supplies; or for any other expense you need to cover.
Eligibility depends on your income, assets, and household size.
In Ohio, the TANF program is administered by Ohio Works First.
The maximum monthly grant for a single parent with 2 children is $589.
More information: https://benefits.ohio.gov/
See Also: Grants For Released Felons in Florida
Medicaid Grants for Ohio Residents
Felons on a low income are eligible for Medicaid. This government-funded healthcare program pays for doctor’s office visits, emergency room visits, hospital stays, dental work, vision care, and prescription drugs.
Ohio’s individual income limit for Medicaid eligibility (under 65) is set at 138% of the federal poverty level. In 2024 this is equivalent to an annual income of $20,783 per year ($1,732 per month).
The income limits for families with children are higher.
More information: https://benefits.ohio.gov/
Pell Grants For Felons Ohio To Pay For College or Trade School
Unlike student loans, Pell Grants don’t have to be repaid. Pell Grants are for students with exceptional financial need and can be used for a bachelor’s or associate’s degree course, or trade school tuition.
The maximum Pell grant is $7,395 for the 2024-2025 period. The actual amount you will receive depends on your financial need, your expenses, and the cost of your course.
Most Pell grants are awarded to students with a household income under $30,000 per year.
More Information: https://www2.ed.gov/programs/fpg/index.html
Unfortunately, there isn’t a pool of free money out there for felons to claim, but if you’re on a low income, the grants open to felons in Ohio mentioned above will help you cover some of your basic living costs.
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Charles Greg is the Co-Founder, Author, & Head Developer behind RentingtoFelons.org
With a lifelong passion for humanity.