In this resource guide, you’ll find information about housing for felons in Illinois, including:
- Housing for released prisoners
- Emergency housing
- Public and subsidized housing
- Second-chance apartment finders
Housing For Felons in Illinois 2025
If you can’t move in with friends or family after your release from prison, your best option is to live in approved transitional housing while you get back on your feet.
Transitional housing for released prisoners Illinois is in high demand. By filling out multiple applications well before your release date you’ll have more options when it’s time to leave prison.
Many halfway houses offer job support, case management, life skills training, and medical referrals.
Support in a stable environment makes your reentry process smoother and sets you up for success as you transition back into everyday life.
Ask your reentry coordinator for a list of halfway houses, or look for providers at
Emergency Apartments that Accept Felons in Illinois
If you don’t have anywhere to stay, turn to the Illinois shelter system.
Shelters run by the Illinois Department of Human Services, give you a bed and a place to shower, offer support services, and provide referrals to second chance programs in Illinois.
For IDHS emergency shelters you need to register for a bed each day, while IDHS transitional shelters offer accommodation for up to 2 years.
Find IDHS shelters at:
Call 2-1-1: Call the United Way helpline to find your nearest shelters with vacancies.
Search for emergency shelters by city:
Housing Resources For Felons In Chicago
Find an emergency shelter in Chicago: Call 3-1-1 to request a ride to the nearest shelter with available beds.
Chicago Coordinated Entry System: Homeless felons in Chicago can get a housing needs assessment and connect with appropriate housing opportunities and resources.
Chicago Rapid Re-housing: Short-term subsidized housing (12-24 months) for anyone experiencing homelessness. The Rapid Re-housing program also helps you get a fresh start with access to employment and financial case management services.
Learn more: or call 3-1-1.
Can Felons Get Subsidized Housing in Illinois?
Illinois passed a law in 2021 giving felons easier access to public housing authority programs. Now, PHAs can only look at the last 6 months of your history when conducting a background check.
If you were convicted of a violent crime or a drug offense in the last 6 months, you may be turned down.
Find your PHA:
You cannot live in publicly owned housing or receive a Housing Choice Voucher if you:
- Were convicted of manufacturing methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing.
- Are a registered sex offender.
Public Housing: Owned by the government, this low-cost housing is available for people who fall within the income limits.
Section 8: This program helps with rent by giving you a voucher. You can choose a private apartment or house to live in, and the voucher helps cover the cost. Income limits apply.
Project-Based Subsidized Housing: Also known as affordable housing, this housing is owned by private landlords who get help from the government to make rent cheaper for low-income individuals and families.
Find this type of housing at or check with your local Public Housing Authority (PHA) for a list of available options.
Permanent Supportive Housing: This housing comes with support services like medical care and counseling, and there’s no time limit on how long you can stay. It’s only available for specific groups:
- Senior citizens
- Veterans
- People with disabilities (physical, mental, HIV/AIDS, or substance use disorders)
- Homeless people and those who are in danger of falling into homelessness
Find supportive housing:
IDHS list of providers:
Contact a Continuum of Care (CoC) agency: Choose Illinois from the dropdown list at
In Chicago, apply through the Coordinated Entry System:
How To Find Second Chance Apartments In Illinois
The easiest way to find 2nd chance apartments in Illinois is to take a shortcut and use a second chance apartment finder.
Second chance apartment finders match renters with landlords willing to consider their criminal records and/or bad credit.
Fill out the inquiry form at to get started.
Some areas of Illinois are more favorable to felons thanks to local laws. You could consider relocating to avoid housing discrimination.
The Just Housing Amendment – Cook County Only
If you’re looking for a second chance apartment in Cook County, Illinois, landlords can’t disqualify you because of your criminal record if it’s over 3 years old.
If your conviction is less than 3 years old, landlords must consider the nature, severity, and age of the offense along with evidence of your rehabilitation. Registered sex offenders are not protected by this law.
Full details:
City Of Urbana Human Rights Ordinance
In Urbana, having an arrest or conviction record is a protected characteristic. Landlords cannot use your criminal record to deny your rental application.
Get Help With Reentry & Housing In Illinois
Resource Lists for Released Prisoners (by county)
Mapping Your Future Reentry Guide
Howard and Evanston Community Center Reentry Program
- Address: 7648 N. Paulina Street, Chicago, IL 60626
- Call: 773-262-6622
- Website:
Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
(reentry case management & transitional housing)
- Address: 5114 S. Elizabeth Street, Chicago, IL 60609
- Call: 773-952-6643
- Website:
Project H.O.O.D Rentry Program
- Address: 6620 South MLK Drive, Chicago, IL 60637
- Call: 773-923-8270
- Website:
Teamwork Englewood Reentry Program
- Address: 815 W. 63rd Street, Chicago, IL 60621
- Call: 773-488-6600
- Website:
First Followers Reentry
(reentry program, transitional housing & drop-in center)
- Address: 314 Cottage Court, Champaign, IL 61820
- Call: 217-607-1131
- Website:
Our Brothers Keeper Of Southern Illinois Reentry
- Address: 614 N. 7th Street, East St. Louis, IL 62201-3085
- Call: 618-271-7821
- Website:
Related Search: Grants For Felons in Illinois

Charles Greg is the Co-Founder, Author, & Head Developer behind
With a lifelong passion for humanity.