Housing for felons in Missouri includes transitional housing, emergency shelters, reentry program housing, affordable housing, public housing, and private rentals with felony-friendly landlords.
Transitional housing for felons in Missouri is arranged pre-release through prison reentry programs.
If you’ve already been released and are struggling with housing, the resources listed below will help you find a place to live.
Transitional Housing Directory
Visit https://www.transitionalhousing.org/state/missouri for a list of housing providers in Missouri. The majority of facilities are in Kansas City and Saint Louis.
You’ll need to check the type of transitional housing offered by each provider. Some offer services to homeless families and individuals, and others offer programs and support for substance abuse.
Second Chance Risk Reduction Center
The Second Chance Risk Reduction Center offers a reentry program for offenders on parole or probation in Kansas City, Missouri.
Participants in the program receive job search assistance, access to felony-friendly landlords, help with basic health needs, and access to education programs.
Access to felony-friendly landlords is only available if you’re in full-time employment earning at least $15 per hour, but the program puts you in touch with felony-friendly employers in the area, so your chances of finding a job are good.
To join the program, you must be a resident of Kansas City, Missouri, on Missouri state-supervised probation or parole.
Get more information on housing for felons in Kansas City, Missouri at https://www.kc-crime.org/second-chance
Criminal Justice Ministry
The Criminal Justice Ministry based in St. Louis, Missouri offers a subsidized reentry housing program to single men and women on parole or probation.
To meet program eligibility requirements, you must have 6 months of full-time, permanent employment with the same employer and earn at least $1,500 per month pre-tax.
Your rental history cannot include a formal eviction, and any arrears you owe for utilities must be less than $300.
Participants must agree to random drug tests.
If you meet the program criteria, you can apply at any time, but places in the program are limited and housing may not be available right away.
When you receive a place in the program, a CJM caseworker will arrange a furnished, 1-bedroom apartment in south St. Louis for you. The initial subsidized tenancy lasts for 6 months with an option to continue with a regular unsubsidized tenancy.
For more details, visit https://www.cjmstlouis.org/reentry-housing-programs and click on the Release to Rent LITE button.
Journey To New Life
Journey To New Life provides reentry assistance in Kansas City, Missouri.
Through their emergency assistance program, they help former felons obtain identity documents, clothing, and other basic essentials. Counselors also connect clients with essential services in the community and will help you with your search for felony-friendly housing.
Their walk-in service is available Tuesday – Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Address: 3120 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109
Website: https://www.journeytonewlife.org/
Affordable Housing In Missouri
Some apartment owners work with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to offer affordable rents to low-income households.
Search for low-income housing on the Missouri Housing Development Commission website at http://ahl.mhdc.com/.
Another useful website for affordable housing is https://www.lowincomehousing.us/. Enter your city and state to get a list of apartments with contact details.
Because of the high demand for affordable housing, you may need to register for apartment waiting lists.
Landlords will usually carry out a background check before they agree to rent to you, but under HUD guidelines, they have to consider felonies on a case-by-case basis. They can’t impose a blanket ban on felons.
Public Housing Assistance For Felons In Missouri
HUD also provides funding for the Public Housing Program and the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8 vouchers). These programs ensure low-income renters don’t pay more than 30% of their household income for housing.
Because of the high demand for financial help, Public Housing Authorities (PHA) operate waiting lists for these programs.
In Kansas City, for example, the Housing Choice Voucher Program has a 1-3 year waiting list and Public Housing has a 6-18 month waiting list.
Although felons are eligible for housing programs, PHAs carry out background screenings on applicants and they may reject violent felonies, drug-related felonies, and sex offenders. You’ll find the screening criteria for your PHA on their website.
Visit the HUD website at https://www.hud.gov/states/missouri/renting/hawebsites to find PHAs in Missouri.
United Way
Call the free United Way helpline on 211 for information on shelter accommodation and other housing resources in your area. The helpline is available 24 hours a day.
Catholic Charities Of Saint Louis
Catholic Charities of Saint Louis offers homeless support and housing assistance for felons in Missouri. Other services available through Catholic Charities include GED classes, substance abuse treatment, case management, legal assistance, and healthcare.
Visit their website at https://www.ccstl.org/ then choose the Get Services link from the menu.
Look For Housing On Craigslist
Craigslist is a classified ads website listing apartments, single-family homes, and rooms for rent. Landlords advertising on Craigslist are often willing to rent to felons, so it’s worth checking for new listings every day.
On Craigslist you’ll also find extended-stay hotels which don’t require background checks and charge rent by the week.
Visit Craigslist Missouri at https://geo.craigslist.org/iso/us/MO and choose your nearest area. Then look under the housing section to see the current rentals.
Next Steps
Finding housing for felons in Kansas City missouri is a challenge, so contact the organizations listed above to get as much help as you can. Apply for public housing programs without delay to get financial support as soon as possible.
If you’ve already got a reliable income but landlords keep rejecting you because of your felony, look for an apartment or room on Craigslist.

Charles Greg is the Co-Founder, Author, & Head Developer behind RentingtoFelons.org
With a lifelong passion for humanity.